On Thursday we are going to focus on a trying to achieve a silhouette of Kate which will make us concentrate on the negative image, like in this Richard Diebenkorn painting.
Then we will look at how to give our foreground figure equal attention through light and dark contrasts, as in this pastel by Degas.
Also we will also see how outlines , either dark or light, can reinforce the figure like in this backlit figure by Walter Sickert
We aren't looking for accuracy but rather a closer observation of how the relative contrast of light and shadow can break up a figure in interesting ways.
Bring in some mid tone paper or board (see post of June 21st for preparing cardboard with pva sealant).
You might like to try a reduced palette of black, white , cadmium red and yellow ochre for this class and even get hold of some softer Zinc or mixing white if the Titanium white you have is too strong for subtle colour mixing.