There are many famous portraits of people wearing hats such as this one by Vermeer
They provide great shadows across the face and are often objects of beauty as well as just practical. Here Matisse makes the Hat as important as the rest of the figure.
On Thursday I would like us to remember the decorative freedom with which we painted our "Nabis" interiors where the interplay of colour becomes at least as important as "modelling the form" . Matisse (above) and the fauvist painters loved to take colour to their maximum expression too.
It will be a great opportunity to develop layering our painting using a variety of brushstrokes and bolder colours that we can echo in the background as well as the foreground.
Degas, Renoir and Manet loved painting hats too!
This Thursday will be our last painting session of the current course and I hope to see you next term or at a later date! Please bring in your completed evaluation form, although I will have more copies if you haven't.
Each term I choose different subject matter and exercises to approach the same themes revolving around volume, light, contrast, colour palettes, composition etc...
For those of you that want to concentrate on the human figure the course will be on Fridays and will incorporate the above themes.