On Friday 9th of June I hope you will bring in a self portrait, either printed or on your phone, or even just a mirror for any brave souls! If you would really prefer painting somebody else that's OK too.
Rather than concentrating on accuracy we are going to use it as a vehicle to concentrate on our brushwork and visual texture. I think it is the expressiveness of the paint that makes people love painted portraits more than photorealist accuracy, at least that is what I tell myself!
I never get tired of posting this Van Gogh.
We could opt for a more tonal approach such as this Martin Yeoman or Benjamin Bjorklund (neither are self portraits either)
Whether you are using hues that are very similar or more separate we will aim to create that visual liveliness or shimmer that happens when we place colours next to each other.
If you have time you may like to familiarise yourself with your image by painting a thumbnail sketch to see how the face or head can be simplified into blocked values.